Sunday 16 December 2012

Training: Mt Warning N.S.W

Today we rose early (1:45am) and were on the road from Pottsville to Mt Warning by 2am. Dressed in our zip-off pants, hiking boots and with our camel packs in our bags and torches in our hands we were ready for the newest training stint in preparation for Everest Base Camp.

Mt Warning is located in North-Eastern New South Wales and is an iconic local landmark of the Tweed Valley.

It was 3am when we started the summit trek and it was dark. Really dark. Despite having done the trek previously, the thought of all of the critters that may be lurking under foot kept me clinging to Chris for the first half hour of our hike. My paranoia was not unjustified as we came across a lizard who had a leaf for a tail, a cane toad (Chris' first encounter with such a delightful creature), a black snake and a big colourful python on our journey.

We made it to the summit in 1hr 45min. A pretty good effort we thought, considering that scrambling up rocks that are so steep you need to pull yourself up on a chain, with a torch in one hand, all the while watching for snakies is quite difficult in the dark.

When we reached the top it looked like we might have the place to ourselves. This ideal was quickly squashed when a stream of ten or so people streamed up as we awaited the sunrise.

Despite the disturbance of the intruders' elephant-like stampede shaking the platform and disturbing the camera and tripod, Chris captured some beautiful moments.

We made it to the bottom in record speed, being spurred on by my bulging bladder. The joys of easily accessible water thanks to a camel pack.


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