Tuesday 15 January 2013

Day Four at the Resort, Mirissa

Mirissa Beach
Sun Set Resort, Mirissa

This buffet breakfast thing just never gets old. Today we enjoyed our first rambutan. Just like a lychee only with a more exciting exterior. Yum!

Deciding we really did need to get off our butts and do something, today we added walks to our normal routine of swims and naps. And, today was the closest thing we've had to a cloud-free day since leaving Australia. Apart from the odd wisp of fairyfloss-like cloud floating across the sky, we enjoyed sun, sun and more sun.

Between swims, walks and lazing on the balcony we got some lunch which included the best weird doughnut thing we've had yet. Let me tell you...we've indulged in our fair share of weird lentil flour doughnuts but this one took the cake. Also, as a side note, we are yet to find any dahl cookies in Mirissa. They were my favourite roadside treat when we were further North but they're difficult to find, especially when you are unsure if infact they are a dahl cookie or some other concoction that the man who sold them to you didn't know the English word for. I will continue the search.

Ice cream time!
Chris' hair reacted strangely to the ice cream

After lunch we rewarded ourselves with yet more food to fill our growing Buddah bellies. Now Chris has his appetite back we really are indulging. We got ourselves two ice creams (the Sri Lankan version of a Cornetto.) I gawked at the price of 120 LKR for two knowing full well I had seen them sold elsewhere for about 80 LKR for two. I then realised that 120 LKR is the equivalent of about $1 AUD. Probably shouldn't complain too much. I mean...how am I going to cope when I get back to Australia and they want $4 for one? I guess I can just never return home. Lucky it's nice here.

We enjoyed our ice creams as we strolled up and down the beach, racing the sun to see who could destroy them first. Then, after more swims and more sitting we had a fulfilling afternoon of laundry!! Laundry day when you are travelling, as Mum suggested it would be, is probably one of the most exciting days. Clean clothes are a luxury and one we will be pleased to take to India with us. Additionally, and almost just as excitingly, our boots are dry!! After only three full days of sitting in the sun, they are finally rid of the monsoon induced smell and feel that they had had for the previous week.

Sweaty sunset Lion beer in a Heineken glass

Some beers at our beach-side restaurant were next on the agenda while Chris took some photos of the sun setting over the water. Once the sun set we headed back to the same place as last night to visit the cranky lady and get some more delicious food into us. We were not disappointed. Tonight's rice and curry was even better than last and the kottu was chock full of vegetables. And the lady was even friendly! Infact, she even topped up our dahl supply as we ate. Well, Chris thought she asked if the dahl was good so he said yes very enthusiastically. We then realised she had asked if we wanted more dahl. So, as she returned with yet another bowl of delicious lentils our bellies groaned with delight and fullness.

For the record, a rice and curry with vegetables is such a bargain! Not only do you get a huge bowl of rice (that we are still yet to finish) but you get between three and six little bowls or piles of different vegetable curries or sides. Dahl, spiced potatoes, coconut sambal, tomato salad and often some other things that you have never seen before in your life. And, more often, a bowl of chillies that you don't recognise as chillies until one of you is brave enough to bite into one and confirm that yes, that is a bowl, consisting entirely of chillies. Oh, and the best papadums you've ever eaten. All for about $1.30 AUD.

Sunset over the beach cricket



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