Sunday 13 January 2013

Day Two In The Resort, Mirissa

Mirissa Beach

After Chris stirred from his sleep, finally, it was breakfast time. We stuffed ourselves silly yet again...buffet breakfasts are the best. Then it was time to head back to our room so we could mentally and physically prepare ourselves for a day of beach and naps. We rested in preparation for the big day ahead.

We took a dip in the ocean then sat on the beach, entertained by people getting knocked over by the tiny waves and ladies posing for photos in the shallows. Next we took advantage of the sea views with some pineapple on our little balcony then took a stroll down the road in search of some more food. This day of beach and naps had really got our appetite going. We ended up at the same place we had eaten last night and got ourselves some vegetable roti. With food in hand we continued down to the beach to sit and eat. Energised, with food now in our bellies, we strolled some more, back to our usual swimming spot to have yet another swim. After swimming and some sitting in the sun it was back to the room to rest after all of the strolling. What a huge day!

Mirissa Beach
Chris really loves the roti

After some more naps we were yet again ravenous. We got ourselves a couple of cheap rice and curries but were unfortunately a little disappointed with the quality. It appears they had accidentally spilt a kilo of salt in the dahl but served it anyway. Oh well...guess we just have to get more roti!! This time...pineapple and banana. Mmmmm.

We headed home for an evening of resting before bed while we watched Grand Designs. Yes, the obsession has followed us to Sri Lanka. As have the obsessions with Pinterest and Flickr.

Tuk Tuk wisdom: "He who does not fail will not get rich."



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