Wednesday 13 March 2013

Kolkata: Indian Chinese

This morning we enjoyed toast, mango jam and spicy chicken seekh kebabs with our coffee and juice before preparing to run yet more errands. Our list of things to purchase seems to somehow be growing the longer we stay in Kolkata and the more research into trekking in Nepal that we do. The weather seems to be heating up more and more every day here. Anando was right, Nepal will be a pleasant change and perfect weather for volunteering.

Boss Man called and, as he does, tried to change his plans. He told us that he would arrive tonight and that we should meet him at the airport to swap the bike for cash. With Anando and Chris motioning in the background that this was a horrible idea, I told Boss Man over and over that this was not going to happen. Despite his efforts, we held our ground and he hung up having to change his plans and get back to us.

We had a lazy day and enjoyed a lunch timed on India time around 3pm. Rice, fried potato and cauliflower, a beetroot, carrot and cauliflower curry, "boneless fish" and yet another ridiculously delicious prawn curry. So good!

After lunch we watched the first few minutes of the free DVD that came with our Everest guidebook. It was enough to inspire Anando and pretty much convince him that he'd accompany us to Nepal.

The afternoon was to consist mostly of errands and, despite not leaving the house until around 4pm, we got a lot done. We stopped off at the tiny, backstreet camping store to check out their supplies. We decided to go all out and buy me a down sleeping bag that would be god for Nepal and that I could even use when we go camping upon our arrival back home in Australia. Yes, we are already planning camping trips. After visiting the ATM we returned to the camping shop to have the owner correct the price he had quoted us for the sleeping bag earlier. He had accidentally over quoted us. What a nice, honest change to the others we have encountered. Anando got himself a warm jacket and we moved on to our next errand.

We were on the hunt for thermal long johns for me to take to Nepal and we arrived at a huge market to see if they could assist us in our search. It was nice to walk through the busy, crowded stalls without getting harassed like we normally would in more touristy areas. But, in saying that, there was the odd "sir, madam, look in my shop" shouted from within. In the depths of the market we found a tiny box of a shop that sold thermals. After asking what size we were after the man disappeared up a ladder and into the seemingly never-ending cave of boxes that were precariously piled within the ceiling. He emerged with a thick, white pair of thermals that would definitely do the job. And, conveniently, he also sold the gift we had been searching for for a particular loved one back home. While the owner organised the gift for us we visited Spencer's, the giant department store, to see what other supplies we cold tick off our list. Soap, socks...really exciting stuff.

Once all of the errands were complete we trekked over to the rooftop dance studio where we had met Peddro the other day. Anando took a samba class while Chris and I, restricted by our flip flops and by no means the extremely complicated steps being taught in the class, sat and watched. My dance partner from the other night was also there and made a whole-hearted attempt to make awkward conversation with us.

Devaleena arrived and we all watched as the class came to a close. The highlight was watching Peddro take the oldest lady in the class aside and return to show off some new moves to the class. She was so happy and it was obvious what a thoughtful, lovely man Peddro was as he went out of his way to ensure others enjoyed themselves.

Once all danced out, Anando led us to Krystal Chopstick where we would have our first encounter with Indian Chinese food. We had delicious pork momos, seafood chowmein, Mongolian fried rice, sweet and sour pork and a very, very sweet Peking lamb. So yummy!

Again we dropped Devaleena home, returned home ourselves, exhausted, and went straight to bed.



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