Tuesday 12 March 2013

Kolkata: It's All About Big Red

This morning we had our first taste of the Indian breakfast specialty semolina. It was delicious and, with a cold glass of juice, was a lovely start to the morning. Next it was time for yet more errands. We set out on foot to collect our passport photos and get Big Red's document photocopied. Our next job was to head into the city to show Big Red off to the potential buyers we were aquatinted with yesterday. But first, would Big Red want to start today? Had he accepted that our goodbye was inevitable? Yes. He started first go so we loaded up Anando's car with corn chips and salsa then followed him in on the bike.

We gave copies of the paperwork to the potential buyers and were surprised when they didn't want a test drive. They were satisfied with having heard Big Red's purr as we arrived. Little did they know I had my foot on the broken luggage rack as to limit the stupid squeaking noise it now makes as we ride.

After waiting around for a while we were left in suspense as the guys would need to check with the authorities as to how much bribe they would need to pay thanks to Boss Man from Chennai conveniently failing to include the essential NOC form in our pile of paperwork. A ploy to ensure we sold it back to him?

After grabbing some petrol we stopped off at Spencer's (supermarket) to grab some stationary supplies for the school I will volunteer with in Nepal. I was also suckered into buying a sunscreen that came with a free face scrub. Because that's exactly what you want to be carting up a mountain.

Once home we "popped a cerveza" to sip on while Chris battled an online company in an attempt to have a solar powered USB charger shipped to Anando's house. After four or five attempts, numerous phone calls and even more emails back and forth we were successful and could finally cross it off our list. All this back and forth communication though made Anando's mum suspicious...what were we having shipped to her home? A gun? We decided that if it was our Israeli friends that were doing the online shopping she may have had something to worry about.

Throughout this saga we had a late lunch of rice, dahl, fried potatoes and cauliflower as well as some beautiful fish that the Bengalis refer to as being 'boneless.' While far from boneless and hence prompting Anando's Mum to have a good giggle as we struggled to eat it, it was delicious.

After finding out that to bribe the authorities into getting the Tamil Nadu registered bike transferred to West Bengal without the NOC would be pricey we realised we were better off to make a date with the devil and contact Boss Man once again.

After a pep talk from Anando I was ready to do my best Indian businessman impression and bargain like there was no tomorrow. I was definitely not cut out for this kind of experience. It was horribly nerve racking and I was flustered on the inside. On the outside though, I was a steely Indian and soon got into the swing of things. Lying became easy as I told him we were to stay in Kolkata for four months and hence were in no rush to make a sale. Not liking Boss Man or his morals from the get go made the arguing easier. We went back and forth, back and forth. Anando and Chris were especially impressed when I dropped the price to 69000 rupees and then upped it again to 70000 when I didn't like something he said. In the end we settled on 68000 rupees, slightly more than two average camels but slightly less than two prized camels.

Rocking Paisley in the Streets of Kolkata

Chris donned one of his paisley new shirts and we were ready to hit the town in the closest thing to a celebration that we could manage.

We parked the car in the city and hit the streets on foot so Anando could continue his tradition of surprising Devaleena with a rose each Tuesday date night. He entered the gift shop and emerged with two roses...one of Devaleena and one for myself. What a gentleman! I told Chris to take notes.

Xrong Place Breezer, Rose, Candle and Snacks

We met with Devaleena and walked to Xrong Place where we could have a couple of drinks and some complimentary snacks in a very familiar environment...a pub. While Anando and Devaleena played grown ups and drank white wine and while Chris stuck to Carlsberg, I pretended I was an underage drinker and ordered a Bacardi Breezer. As we sat there Boss Man returned our call and confirmed his arrival date for Friday evening as the trains had been booked out until then.

Drinks at Xrong Place

After a couple of rounds we moved on to Marco Polo, where we would have dinner. As we stepped through the heavy door into the air conditioned surrounds the noises of the streets dissolved behind us and was replaced with classical music. It was fancy to say the least. And, much to Chris' delight, they sold steak. And not just any steak but beef steak. Yes...they were serving up holy cow.

Dinner at Marco Polo

I fulfilled the dream I had a few weeks ago and had spaghetti bolognese, despite it being made with lamb rather than holy cow, while everyone else had the steak. And it was delicious. Chris and Anando washed their meals down with a Glenfiddich and a Baileys respectively.

We dropped Devaleena home and were pleased to be driving back to Anando's in uncongested streets thanks to the late hour. Upon arrival home we were greeted by the barking of usually friendly puppies and then went straight to bed, exhausted.


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